Current date/time is Fri Apr 26, 2024 1:14 pm

Forum Terms of service

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- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.


  1. Do not flame other users. Flaming is when you treat another user in a disrespectful way.
  2. Double posting (posting twice in a row) is not allowed. When youpost something right after another post of yours, it is considered adouble posting.Exceptions: If you're making a thread/post that has more picturesthan the limit allows, you may double post. But don't just put a bunchof emoticons in your post so you can double post "legally." Also, youcan double post in portfolio threads, but only to bump them back to thefirst page. If it's still on the first page, you can't bump it.
  3. Do not bump old threads. Making active an old thread (lets say, a month) is considered bump. Exception: You can bump pinned threads and portfolio threads.
  4. Do not spam. Off-topic posts or already-answered questions will be considered spam.
  5. Each forum has a specific purpose. Before posting a new thread, check that you are posting in the correct forum.
  6. Before asking something, make sure that your question has been answered by using the SEARCH OPTION at the top of the page.
  7. DO NOT BEG. It is hard to help someone who constantly begs for assistance.
  8. Do not continue a topic in another one. Stick to the thread where you started the topic.
  9. No sex/racial/religious/social/political discrimination of any kind.
  10. No sexual/pornographic discussions or image use.
  11. No illegal/piracy discussions.
  12. Maximum Avatar size is 130x130, maximum signature size is 720x120.You could have multiple images in your signature, as long as they ALLfit inside the 720x120 dimensions. Not following this rule may resultin a signature removal without warning.
  13. You will be  suspended for 3 days if you reach 10warning points or have made a severe infraction of the rules at thediscretion of the moderating team. If you are suspended for a secondtime your account will be permanently banned and any account suspectedto be owned by you will also be permanently banned without warning.
  14. Respect the original poster's wishes. If he/she states a rule inthe topic post, even if it's not a forum rule, it's a rule in thatthread.
  15. Administrators or moderators do not take any responsibility for the comments users of this forum may make.
  16. This forum is not a democracy. Also, not every single rule can possibly be listed here. Warns are based on staff discretion.
Copied from MSF, because same rules apply here.  Credit goes to Pandu.

Also note:  There's some automatic email thing, so go here for the solution.

Also, we lied about the quiz to get you to read the rules.
Enjoy your stay at Lower Ascent! :]